Our goal

We come together to lead our newest generation of fCCLA members

We volunteer our time to make an impact on the future of Florida FCCLA.


FLFCCLA Members in the last 5 years


Registered FLFCCLA Alumni


Opportunities to Give Back


Volunteer opportunity per year is all it takes!

What we do

Lead Workshops

Our Alumni make amazing workshop presenters during our State Conference! Bring your post-FCCLA experience to the table and share what you’ve learned!

Represent Alumni

The Alumni Association is proud to be represented on the Florida FCCLA Board of Directors!

Practice Your Craft

Have career experience that you would like to volunteer? Our Alumni have come back in all types of capacities. Our Alumni with Audio/Visual Expertise love helping out backstage at our State Leadership Conference!

Our opportunities are endless…

Ready to Give back?